Monday, October 29, 2012

It's come to this...

In an ever changing world where technology is king and correspondence usually is only 140 characters or less, I have decided to start a blog.

How often I write - or how good and interesting it will be - I am completely unaware. But the idea of having a forum outside of the website's I work for, and Arrow in the Head, seems like an interesting challenge. Well not really a challenge, but more so a chance to talk about other issues that are important to me. This includes but is not limited to being a parent - although I certainly don't want to drag my family into this... they have to deal with me on a regular basis so that would be bad - I also plan to discuss my weight loss, something which I didn't make a lot of waves about early on because I wasn't sure I could do it.

I guess this is an extension of what I already do, just a more personal way of reaching out aside from my regular gig and my guest spots over at and on AMC Movie Talk. The good thing about this is that it will simply be my train of thought sometimes so I could really care less about grammer or type o's... that may change however:)

So here it goes. This is my intro for now. Cheers and I'm sure I'll be writing before Halloween - my favorite day of the year!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to to the wonderful world of blogging, my good man! It's all kinds of fun.

    Well, sometimes.

    But welcome to the blogosphere nonetheless!
